Thursday, July 13, 2023

Starting Up a Sodium-Ion Battery Manufacturing Business: Revolutionizing Energy Storage

 [Starting Up a Sodium-Ion Battery Manufacturing Business: Revolutionizing Energy Storage]

The global demand for clean and sustainable energy storage solutions is rapidly increasing, and sodium-ion batteries have emerged as a promising alternative to traditional lithium-ion batteries. If you're considering starting a sodium-ion battery manufacturing business, here are some key insights to guide you:

1. Understanding Sodium-Ion Batteries: Sodium-ion batteries utilize sodium ions as the charge carriers instead of lithium ions. They offer several advantages, including abundant and low-cost raw materials, improved safety, and comparable energy storage performance. Conduct thorough research to understand the chemistry, manufacturing processes, and performance characteristics of sodium-ion batteries.

2. Market Analysis: Assess the market potential and demand for sodium-ion batteries. Identify target industries and applications such as renewable energy storage, electric vehicles, and grid-scale energy storage. Analyze the competitive landscape, existing players, and market trends to determine your market positioning and unique selling propositions.

3. Research and Development: Establish a strong research and development (R&D) team or collaborate with research institutions to enhance battery performance, efficiency, and durability. Invest in R&D activities to develop novel electrode materials, electrolytes, and cell designs specific to sodium-ion batteries.

4. Manufacturing Setup: Set up a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility equipped with the necessary machinery, equipment, and infrastructure for battery production. Ensure compliance with quality standards and environmental regulations. Optimize the production process to achieve high yields, cost efficiency, and scalability.

5. Supply Chain Management: Build a robust supply chain to source high-quality raw materials such as sodium compounds, electrode materials, and electrolytes. Establish strategic partnerships with suppliers to ensure a stable supply of materials at competitive prices. Consider recycling and sustainability measures to minimize environmental impact.

6. Quality Control and Testing: Implement stringent quality control measures throughout the manufacturing process. Develop testing protocols to ensure consistent battery performance and safety standards. Collaborate with certification agencies to obtain necessary certifications and meet international standards.

7. Marketing and Distribution: Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to create awareness about sodium-ion batteries and their benefits. Highlight the advantages of your batteries, such as cost-effectiveness, long cycle life, and compatibility with existing infrastructure. Establish distribution channels and partnerships to reach target customers efficiently.

8. Regulations and Compliance: Stay updated with regulatory requirements and compliance standards related to battery manufacturing, safety, and environmental regulations. Adhere to ethical practices and sustainability guidelines to build a responsible and trusted brand.

9. Financial Planning: Prepare a detailed financial plan, including capital investment, operational costs, revenue projections, and return on investment. Explore funding options such as loans, grants, and partnerships with investors interested in clean energy technologies.

10. Collaboration and Innovation: Collaborate with research institutions, industry experts, and government agencies to stay at the forefront of sodium-ion battery technology advancements. Encourage innovation within your organization and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Starting a sodium-ion battery manufacturing business requires a combination of technical expertise, market understanding, and strategic planning. With a focus on innovation, quality, and sustainability, your venture can contribute to the transition towards a greener and more sustainable energy future.

Caltech Research on Solar Energy: Pioneering the Way for Solar Startups

 [Caltech Research on Solar Energy: Pioneering the Way for Solar Startups]

Caltech, renowned for its cutting-edge research and innovation, has made significant contributions to the field of solar energy. Its groundbreaking research and advancements have opened new avenues for startups in the solar energy sector. If you're considering starting a solar energy-focused startup, here are some key insights from Caltech's research:

1. Photovoltaic Technology: Caltech has been at the forefront of developing efficient photovoltaic technologies that convert sunlight into electricity. Their research focuses on improving the performance, durability, and cost-effectiveness of solar cells. By leveraging Caltech's research, your startup can explore innovative approaches to harness solar energy more efficiently.

2. Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology: Caltech researchers have been exploring novel materials and nanotechnology applications to enhance solar energy conversion. They have made significant breakthroughs in developing high-performance solar materials, such as perovskite-based solar cells, which offer improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Incorporating such advancements in your startup can give you a competitive edge in the solar market.

3. Energy Storage and Grid Integration: Solar energy startups face challenges related to energy storage and grid integration. Caltech's research addresses these issues by developing advanced energy storage systems and grid integration technologies. By leveraging their expertise, your startup can explore innovative solutions for efficient energy storage and seamless integration of solar power into existing grids.

4. Solar Thermal Technologies: In addition to photovoltaic technologies, Caltech researchers have been exploring solar thermal technologies for electricity generation and other applications. Their research focuses on improving the efficiency of solar thermal systems, such as concentrated solar power (CSP), which utilize mirrors or lenses to concentrate sunlight for power generation. Incorporating these advancements into your startup can diversify your product offerings and tap into the growing demand for solar thermal solutions.

5. Collaborative Opportunities: Caltech encourages collaboration between academia and industry. Through partnerships and collaborations with Caltech researchers, your startup can access their expertise, resources, and facilities. This collaborative approach can accelerate your research and development efforts and help you bring innovative solar energy solutions to market more efficiently.

By leveraging the research expertise and advancements from Caltech, your solar energy startup can differentiate itself in the market, develop cutting-edge technologies, and contribute to a sustainable and clean energy future.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Becoming a YouTuber can be an exciting way to generate extra income

 Becoming a YouTuber can be an exciting way to generate extra income and pursue your passion for creating content. Here are some key points to consider when exploring the potential for earning extra income as a YouTuber:

1. Monetization through Ad Revenue: One of the primary ways YouTubers earn income is through the YouTube Partner Program, which allows you to monetize your videos with advertisements. As your channel grows in popularity and accumulates a significant number of views and subscribers, you can start earning a share of the ad revenue generated from your videos.

2. Sponsorships and Brand Collaborations: As your channel gains traction, you may have opportunities to collaborate with brands and companies that align with your content niche. These sponsorships can involve product placements, sponsored videos, or brand partnerships, where you receive compensation for promoting their products or services to your audience.

3. Affiliate Marketing: YouTubers can earn additional income through affiliate marketing. By partnering with affiliate programs or networks, you can promote products or services in your video descriptions or during your content, and earn a commission for every sale or referral made through your unique affiliate links.

4. Merchandise Sales: Building a dedicated fan base allows you to explore selling merchandise related to your channel. This can include branded merchandise, such as t-shirts, hats, or accessories featuring your logo or catchphrases. Creating an online store or utilizing third-party platforms can help you sell your merchandise and generate additional income.

5. Crowdfunding and Fan Donations: Some YouTubers rely on the support of their fans through crowdfunding platforms like Patreon or direct donations via platforms like PayPal or Ko-fi. In exchange for financial contributions, you can offer exclusive content, behind-the-scenes access, or personalized rewards to your supporters.

6. Content Licensing and Syndication: If your content is unique and valuable, you may explore licensing or syndicating it to other platforms, such as television networks, streaming services, or online publications. This can provide additional income streams and increase the reach and exposure of your content.

7. Teaching and Consultation: As you establish yourself as an expert in your niche, you may have opportunities to offer coaching, consulting, or online courses to share your knowledge and help others. This can be an additional source of income while leveraging your expertise and expanding your influence.

It's important to note that building a successful YouTube channel takes time, effort, and consistency. Creating high-quality content, engaging with your audience, and optimizing your videos for discoverability are crucial steps towards growing your channel and increasing your earning potential. Additionally, staying up-to-date with YouTube's policies and guidelines, as well as understanding copyright laws and content ownership, is essential for maintaining a sustainable and ethical presence on the platform.

Remember, while earning income as a YouTuber is possible, it's important to approach it with a long-term mindset, genuine passion for creating content, and a commitment to providing value to your audience.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Freelancing Online: Unlocking Extra Income Opportunities

 "Freelancing Online: Unlocking Extra Income Opportunities"


In the digital age, freelancing has become an increasingly popular way to earn extra income and tap into a flexible work lifestyle. Whether you're a skilled writer, graphic designer, developer, or marketer, freelancing offers the opportunity to monetize your expertise and work on projects that interest you. In this article, we will explore the world of online freelancing and how it can help you unlock extra income opportunities.

1. Choose Your Niche:

Identify your skills, strengths, and passions to determine your freelancing niche. This could be anything from content writing, graphic design, web development, social media management, translation, or virtual assistance. Focusing on a specific niche allows you to position yourself as an expert in that field and attract clients seeking your specialized services.

2. Build Your Portfolio:

Creating a strong online portfolio is crucial for showcasing your skills and attracting potential clients. Develop a professional website or utilize portfolio platforms like Behance, Dribbble, or GitHub to showcase your best work. Include a diverse range of projects that highlight your capabilities and demonstrate your expertise to prospective clients.

3. Join Freelancing Platforms:

Register on popular freelancing platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, or Guru. These platforms connect freelancers with clients seeking their services. Set up a compelling profile that showcases your skills, experience, and portfolio. Be proactive in bidding on relevant projects and provide competitive pricing to attract clients initially.

4. Network and Market Yourself:

Networking plays a vital role in freelancing success. Leverage social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with potential clients and industry professionals. Engage in industry-related discussions, share your expertise through valuable content, and build relationships with fellow freelancers. Word-of-mouth referrals can be a powerful source of ongoing projects.

5. Deliver High-Quality Work:

Consistently delivering high-quality work is essential for building a strong freelance reputation. Focus on exceeding client expectations, meeting deadlines, and maintaining open communication. Positive client feedback and testimonials will enhance your credibility and attract more clients in the long run.

6. Expand Your Skillset:

Continuously expanding your skillset increases your marketability and opens up new income opportunities. Stay updated on industry trends, learn new tools and technologies, and invest in professional development. Acquiring additional skills can help you attract a wider range of clients and command higher rates for your services.

7. Establish Long-Term Relationships:

Building long-term client relationships can provide a steady stream of income and referrals. Focus on delivering exceptional value, understanding client needs, and offering personalized solutions. By consistently providing outstanding service, you can secure repeat projects and establish a reliable client base.

8. Manage Finances and Taxes:

As a freelancer, it's essential to manage your finances effectively. Keep track of your income, expenses, and invoices using accounting software or tools. Set aside a portion of your earnings for taxes and consider consulting with a tax professional to ensure compliance with tax regulations.


Freelancing online offers a world of opportunities to earn extra income while enjoying the freedom and flexibility of working on your terms. By identifying your niche, building a strong portfolio, leveraging freelancing platforms, networking, and delivering exceptional work, you can unlock the potential for financial growth and professional fulfillment. Embrace the world of online freelancing, and let your skills and expertise pave the way to a successful and rewarding freelance career.

Fueling Your Passion to Earn Extra Income: Strategies for Success

"Fueling Your Passion to Earn Extra Income: Strategies for Success"


Many individuals have passions and hobbies they love to pursue in their spare time. However, did you know that you can also leverage your passions to earn extra income? By combining your interests with entrepreneurial spirit, dedication, and strategic planning, you can turn your passion into a profitable venture. In this article, we explore effective strategies to enhance your passion and transform it into a source of extra income.

1. Identify Your Passion:

The first step is to identify your true passion. Reflect on activities, skills, or areas of expertise that ignite a sense of joy and enthusiasm within you. Whether it's photography, baking, writing, crafting, or any other interest, choose a passion that you genuinely enjoy and feel motivated to pursue.

2. Validate Market Demand:

Once you've identified your passion, validate its market demand. Research the target audience or customer base for your chosen niche. Determine if there is a demand for products or services related to your passion. This market research will help you understand if there is a viable opportunity to monetize your passion and generate income.

3. Develop Your Skills:

To stand out in a competitive market, continuously develop your skills and expertise related to your passion. Take courses, attend workshops, read books, or seek mentorship to enhance your knowledge and refine your craft. The more you invest in honing your skills, the more valuable your offerings will become.

4. Create a Brand:

Build a strong brand around your passion to differentiate yourself from competitors. Develop a unique identity, logo, and consistent visual and verbal messaging. Establish an online presence through a website or social media platforms that showcase your work, expertise, and offerings. A well-defined brand helps attract customers and builds trust in your products or services.

5. Offer Products or Services:

Based on your passion and market research, determine the type of products or services you can offer to generate income. For example, if you have a passion for photography, you can offer photography sessions, sell prints, or create online courses on photography techniques. Consider multiple revenue streams that align with your passion and cater to various customer needs.

6. Market and Promote:

Marketing and promotion are crucial to reach your target audience and attract customers. Utilize social media platforms, create engaging content, and build an online community around your passion. Collaborate with influencers or industry experts, participate in relevant events or exhibitions, and leverage word-of-mouth referrals. Consistent and strategic marketing efforts will help increase your visibility and expand your customer base.

7. Provide Exceptional Customer Experience:

Deliver exceptional customer experiences to build loyalty and gain positive referrals. Focus on excellent customer service, prompt communication, and exceeding customer expectations. Encourage feedback and continuously improve your products or services based on customer insights. Happy customers are more likely to become repeat customers and advocates for your passion-based business.

8. Diversify Income Streams:

To maximize your earning potential, consider diversifying your income streams. Explore opportunities such as creating digital products, offering consulting or coaching services, or partnering with complementary businesses. By diversifying your income, you can increase your revenue streams and mitigate risks associated with relying solely on one source.


Transforming your passion into a lucrative source of extra income requires dedication, strategic planning, and a willingness to continuously learn and adapt. By following these strategies—identifying your passion, validating market demand, developing your skills, creating a strong brand, offering products or services, marketing and promoting, providing exceptional customer experiences, and diversifying income streams—you can turn your passion into a fulfilling and profitable venture. Remember to embrace challenges, persevere through setbacks, and stay true to your passion. With determination and the right approach, you can enhance your passion and unlock its potential to earn extra income.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Smart Strategies for Earning Extra Income: Unlocking Financial Opportunities

 Title: "Title: "Smart Strategies for Earning Extra Income: Unlocking Financial Opportunities"


In today's dynamic economy, many individuals aspire to boost their income and achieve financial goals beyond their primary source of earnings. Fortunately, numerous opportunities exist to earn extra income by leveraging your skills, resources, and entrepreneurial spirit. In this article, we will explore smart strategies and creative avenues to help you unlock financial opportunities and generate that much-desired additional income.

1. Freelancing and Consulting:

Tap into your expertise and marketable skills by offering freelance services or consulting in your field. Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr connect freelancers with clients seeking specific services, such as writing, graphic design, web development, or business consulting. Set your rates, showcase your portfolio, and seize the opportunity to monetize your talents.

2. Online Selling and E-commerce:

The rise of e-commerce platforms has opened doors for individuals to sell products online. Whether you create handmade crafts, source unique items, or develop digital products, platforms like Etsy, eBay, or Amazon provide a global marketplace to reach potential customers. Invest time in building a compelling online presence, optimizing product listings, and delivering exceptional customer service to maximize your earning potential.

3. Sharing Economy and Rental Platforms:

Unlock the potential of your assets by participating in the sharing economy. Rent out spare rooms or properties on platforms like Airbnb or VRBO. Consider renting out your vehicle on platforms like Turo or Getaround when it's not in use. By leveraging the sharing economy, you can generate income from underutilized assets and capitalize on the growing demand for unique accommodations or transportation alternatives.

4. Online Courses and Digital Products:

If you possess specialized knowledge or expertise, consider creating and selling online courses, e-books, or other digital products. Platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or Gumroad allow you to share your knowledge with a global audience. Package your expertise into comprehensive learning materials and capitalize on the growing demand for self-paced online education.

5. Peer-to-Peer Lending and Investing:

Invest your savings in peer-to-peer lending platforms or crowdfunding initiatives. These platforms connect individuals who require loans or investments with potential lenders or investors. By carefully assessing the risk and returns associated with these opportunities, you can earn interest or dividends on your investments and potentially generate passive income.

6. Gig Economy and Task-Based Work:

Leverage the flexibility of the gig economy by participating in task-based platforms like TaskRabbit, Gigwalk, or Uber. These platforms allow you to earn money by completing various short-term assignments or providing on-demand services. From running errands to delivering food or driving passengers, these opportunities offer flexibility and the chance to earn extra income on your schedule.

7. Monetizing Hobbies and Creative Pursuits:

Transform your hobbies and creative endeavors into income-generating ventures. Whether you enjoy photography, writing, painting, or crafting, explore avenues such as selling prints, offering workshops or classes, or participating in local art and craft markets. Embrace your passion and turn it into a source of extra income.


Earning extra income is within reach for those willing to explore diverse opportunities and embrace their entrepreneurial spirit. By leveraging your skills, assets, and creativity, you can unlock financial opportunities and achieve your income goals. Embrace the possibilities offered by freelancing, online selling, sharing economy platforms, digital products, peer-to-peer lending, gig economy tasks, and monetizing hobbies. Remember, success in generating extra income requires dedication, perseverance, and adaptability. Embrace the journey and seize the opportunities that come your way, propelling yourself toward financial freedom and a more fulfilling life."


In today's dynamic economy, many individuals aspire to boost their income and achieve financial goals beyond their primary source of earnings. Fortunately, numerous opportunities exist to earn extra income by leveraging your skills, resources, and entrepreneurial spirit. In this article, we will explore smart strategies and creative avenues to help you unlock financial opportunities and generate that much-desired additional income.

1. Freelancing and Consulting:

Tap into your expertise and marketable skills by offering freelance services or consulting in your field. Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr connect freelancers with clients seeking specific services, such as writing, graphic design, web development, or business consulting. Set your rates, showcase your portfolio, and seize the opportunity to monetize your talents.

2. Online Selling and E-commerce:

The rise of e-commerce platforms has opened doors for individuals to sell products online. Whether you create handmade crafts, source unique items, or develop digital products, platforms like Etsy, eBay, or Amazon provide a global marketplace to reach potential customers. Invest time in building a compelling online presence, optimizing product listings, and delivering exceptional customer service to maximize your earning potential.

3. Sharing Economy and Rental Platforms:

Unlock the potential of your assets by participating in the sharing economy. Rent out spare rooms or properties on platforms like Airbnb or VRBO. Consider renting out your vehicle on platforms like Turo or Getaround when it's not in use. By leveraging the sharing economy, you can generate income from underutilized assets and capitalize on the growing demand for unique accommodations or transportation alternatives.

4. Online Courses and Digital Products:

If you possess specialized knowledge or expertise, consider creating and selling online courses, e-books, or other digital products. Platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or Gumroad allow you to share your knowledge with a global audience. Package your expertise into comprehensive learning materials and capitalize on the growing demand for self-paced online education.

5. Peer-to-Peer Lending and Investing:

Invest your savings in peer-to-peer lending platforms or crowdfunding initiatives. These platforms connect individuals who require loans or investments with potential lenders or investors. By carefully assessing the risk and returns associated with these opportunities, you can earn interest or dividends on your investments and potentially generate passive income.

6. Gig Economy and Task-Based Work:

Leverage the flexibility of the gig economy by participating in task-based platforms like TaskRabbit, Gigwalk, or Uber. These platforms allow you to earn money by completing various short-term assignments or providing on-demand services. From running errands to delivering food or driving passengers, these opportunities offer flexibility and the chance to earn extra income on your schedule.

7. Monetizing Hobbies and Creative Pursuits:

Transform your hobbies and creative endeavors into income-generating ventures. Whether you enjoy photography, writing, painting, or crafting, explore avenues such as selling prints, offering workshops or classes, or participating in local art and craft markets. Embrace your passion and turn it into a source of extra income.


Earning extra income is within reach for those willing to explore diverse opportunities and embrace their entrepreneurial spirit. By leveraging your skills, assets, and creativity, you can unlock financial opportunities and achieve your income goals. Embrace the possibilities offered by freelancing, online selling, sharing economy platforms, digital products, peer-to-peer lending, gig economy tasks, and monetizing hobbies. Remember, success in generating extra income requires dedication, perseverance, and adaptability. Embrace the journey and seize the opportunities that come your way, propelling yourself toward financial freedom and a more fulfilling life.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Earn extra income from your hobbies and passion

The Web has opened a world of opportunity and wealth creation. You can earn, sell, market, spend, leverage your skill and lure clients from the comfort of your home. But there are scams abound and hurdles aplenty. Here’s how to make the most of this platform.
Namrata Dadwal and Amit Shanbaug

You never had it so good. Access to a client list that runs into hundreds of millions, a reach that spreads across the world, hardly any infrastructure cost, and no need to impress anyone with a wall full of framed qualifications. Welcome to the virtual bazaar, a marketplace that encompasses the world while shrinking it to a small screen. A region where every boundary is blurred; no one cares about your age and no one needs to know if you live in the boondocks or a plush penthouse.
The World Wide Web has a solution for everything, and for everything, a customer. If you don’t know where to start, join a popular network. Let the numbers convince you: 150 million users on Facebook and 200 million on Twitter. Each and everyone is a potential customer for anything that you have to sell: your skills, your thoughts or even your junk.
We take you through a list of professions that you can venture into and introduce you to people who have leveraged the Net to earn a comfortable income. By no means is this a comprehensive list. In fact, it is not even an indicative one since the virtual world is continuously evolving and new opportunities are cropping up every day. After all, some of the biggest platforms that people use currently didn’t even exist a decade ago—Facebook was launched in 2004, YouTube in 2005, and Twitter in 2006.
Write way to earn
JOBS: Blogging, micro-blogging, Tweeting, freelance writing, editing, e-authoring and translating.
SKILLS: Comprehensive writing skill and expertise in any field.
INCOME: 500 for a 300-word article to 1 lakh a month for full-time blogging.
Your thoughts are worth more than a penny now. Your scribbles and musings can earn you big bucks, if you know how to market them well. If you are unsure of your talent, start by writing a blog. It’s easy to begin—just join a blogging site, such as Blogspot or Wordpress, and start writing. There is no training institute for this and only through trial and error will you discover what appeals to readers. However, bloggers are flooding the virtual world and if you want to stand out and get noticed by readers and advertisers, you will need to provide information or advice that no one else can, or provide it in a way that is better than others. You can join a writers’ community, where people freely dispense tips on improving writing or increasing readership (see How to increase blog traffic).
Once you find your literary footing, it may be better to have your own Website and domain name. This gives you a specific identity, and if you submit your blog’s URL to search engines, it will become more noticeable on the Net. The charges for a domain name usually range from 300-1,000 a year. The main source of income for most bloggers is Google AdSense, which places contextual ads on Websites.
As new mediums open up, you need to adapt and leverage these. Hrish Thota did so when he evolved from blogging to Tweeting. Thota has been blogging for almost a decade and joined Twitter when it was launched in 2006. He is now a professional Tweeter, has 4,500 followers and earns about 1 lakh a month. The 31-yearold, a former employee of consulting firm Capgemini, began his Twitter career by writing about events and computer hardware in Bangalore. Within a year, companies began to approach him to Tweet about their products. Recently, he was involved with a campaign for Ford Figo for around a month-and-a-half, Tweeting and photo-blogging about the events in real time. On an average, he earns 30,000-40,000 a month per brand.
Though writing seems easy at first glance, if you want to earn money from it, you will have to work hard. Professional bloggers put in about 2-5 hours every day and constantly strive to write on topics that provide updated information. You need to be regular and prompt in answering your readers’ queries.
If you have honed your skills and are confident about what you write, you could even publish a book a lá Anupam Mukerji, who became famous for his blog, the Fake IPL Player, written cheekily about the IPL’s second season. In March last year, he published a book, The Gamechanger. However, if no publisher seems interested in the physical realm, don’t despair. You can write a virtual bestseller. E-books are in high demand across the world and many people are writing exclusively for this segment. In June this year, crime novelist John Locke became the first independent author to sell more than 1 million ebooks through Kindle’s (Amazon) direct publishing programme, under which you do not need an agent or a publisher. Each e-book was sold for $0.99 ( 48), of which Locke pocketed 35 cents ( 17).
Global classroom
JOBS: E-tutoring.
SKILLS: Domain knowledge and good communication skills.
INCOME: 5,000-50,000 a month (for 8-hour sessions) depending on the subject and region (India/international).
When Shyamila Rana’s husband got a job in Dehradun in 2007, the 42-year-old school teacher began applying for a post in various schools in the city. Unfortunately, not many were willing to hire her, citing age as a factor. Rana was unwilling to waste her experience and time, so she began looking elsewhere. She soon found hundreds of overseas students, who were eager to learn science from her. “One of my husband’s colleagues told him about e-tutoring and I sent an application, along with my resume, to one of the Websites,” says Rana, who now teaches science for four hours to students based in the US. For this, she is earning better than she would in a traditional school.
E-tutoring is a process in which a teacher educates a student or a group of students through online technology. This can involve the use of Webbased programs and includes data, voice and video communication. To begin in this field, you can sign up with established names such as
Tips for online sellers
You can find a buyer for virtually everything in the online bazaar, be it your own creation or junk you want to get rid of. Here are a few steps to help you hone your selling skills. PROVIDE ALL INFORMATION: Give a detailed description of the product you want to sell and include photographs that have been taken from various angles. Also, provide information about yourself or your company. A contact number, address or e-mail ID help the buyer get in touch with you as well as confirm authentication, which builds confidence in the buyer.
FIX THE PRICE: If you’re selling an original product, you can fix the price you want, though you need to be realistic. Value for money is the second aspect that online buyers are looking for, convenience being the first. To determine the right selling price for a used item, you should research on auction sites to find the cost of similar products before fixing a minimum price.
CHECK DETAILS: Before you auction/sell the product, determine how you will handle shipping. Who will pay for it—you or the buyer? Will you ship it after receiving the payment or while it is still in process? You will need to commit a delivery date and stick to it. Do you need to insure the product? Who will pay for this?
PAYMENT PROCEDURE: You need to figure out the best method for receiving money. Are you comfortable using an online gateway, such as Paypal, or will you prefer a cheque or online transfer? On the site, you should state a return policy and how you will handle complaints if they arise within a fixed time period.
Virtual bazaar JOBS: Online enterprise. SKILLS: Guts, gumption and marketing savvy. INCOME: Whatever you want. Shakil Thasariya began collecting autographs as a 13-year-old schoolboy, when the former President APJ Abdul Kalam gave him one in 2003. A year later, he discovered that his passion could be profitable when he sold 10 autographs to an antique dealer for 4,000. However, finding buyers in his hometown, Rajkot, Gujarat, wasn’t easy. The perfect avenue: eBay. He made quite a few successful sales and also got in touch with a lot of autograph dealers in the US and Europe. Now, Thasariya earns about 7,000 a month by selling 7-8 autographs.
The online medium is a perfect platform for small entrepreneurs or startups, who cannot afford to rent office space or shop. However, maintaining a Website also requires work and money. A free and easily manageable platform is social networking sites, most notably Facebook. Nikita Fernandes and Vinisha Dugar, two Mumbai-based Mumbai-based friends launched their business, Fishing Hook, in July 2010. They outsourced accessories from China and Hong Kong, put up their photographs on Facebook and sold them in India. Within three months, they had 500 fans on their page and were generating orders worth about 10,000, of which 3,000 was their profit margin.
Initially, they would deliver the products themselves and collect cash from customers. However, as their clientele grew in other cities, they began to courier the products and charge 100 as shipping charges. Today, their Facebook page has nearly 2,100 fans and their client base has expanded to Delhi, Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Kolkata.
There are hundreds of online sellers who are leveraging the World Wide Web to create wealth. And this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
—With Shobhana Chadha and
Milan Sharma
How to increase blog traffic
Here are ways to enusre that what you read catches maximum eyeballs
Don’t philosophise; solve problems People are not interested in reading your autobiography. You need to grab their attention by solving problems they face or providing information they would normally don’t have access to.
Editing is the key Crisp and clear writing will get more readers. Make your headers snappy; pick up tips from newspaper headlines. Pay attention to comments from readers. If they are using certain keywords, see if you can incorporate those in the heading.
When to write Monitor the days of the week on which you get the most readers. Write your best posts on these days. Link these to social networking sites, which usually have more members than blogging communities.
Improve the layout Compile your posts as clusters on the basis of ideas rather than the months in which they were put up. This makes it easier for readers to access the blog they want to read.

Article taken from Times of india Newspaper:-