The Web has opened a world of opportunity and wealth creation. You can earn, sell, market, spend, leverage your skill and lure clients from the comfort of your home. But there are scams abound and hurdles aplenty. Here’s how to make the most of this platform.
Namrata Dadwal and Amit Shanbaug
You never had it so good. Access to a client list that runs into hundreds of millions, a reach that spreads across the world, hardly any infrastructure cost, and no need to impress anyone with a wall full of framed qualifications. Welcome to the virtual bazaar, a marketplace that encompasses the world while shrinking it to a small screen. A region where every boundary is blurred; no one cares about your age and no one needs to know if you live in the boondocks or a plush penthouse.
The World Wide Web has a solution for everything, and for everything, a customer. If you don’t know where to start, join a popular network. Let the numbers convince you: 150 million users on Facebook and 200 million on Twitter. Each and everyone is a potential customer for anything that you have to sell: your skills, your thoughts or even your junk.
We take you through a list of professions that you can venture into and introduce you to people who have leveraged the Net to earn a comfortable income. By no means is this a comprehensive list. In fact, it is not even an indicative one since the virtual world is continuously evolving and new opportunities are cropping up every day. After all, some of the biggest platforms that people use currently didn’t even exist a decade ago—Facebook was launched in 2004, YouTube in 2005, and Twitter in 2006.
Write way to earn
JOBS: Blogging, micro-blogging, Tweeting, freelance writing, editing, e-authoring and translating.
SKILLS: Comprehensive writing skill and expertise in any field.
INCOME: 500 for a 300-word article to 1 lakh a month for full-time blogging.
Your thoughts are worth more than a penny now. Your scribbles and musings can earn you big bucks, if you know how to market them well. If you are unsure of your talent, start by writing a blog. It’s easy to begin—just join a blogging site, such as Blogspot or Wordpress, and start writing. There is no training institute for this and only through trial and error will you discover what appeals to readers. However, bloggers are flooding the virtual world and if you want to stand out and get noticed by readers and advertisers, you will need to provide information or advice that no one else can, or provide it in a way that is better than others. You can join a writers’ community, where people freely dispense tips on improving writing or increasing readership (see How to increase blog traffic).
Once you find your literary footing, it may be better to have your own Website and domain name. This gives you a specific identity, and if you submit your blog’s URL to search engines, it will become more noticeable on the Net. The charges for a domain name usually range from 300-1,000 a year. The main source of income for most bloggers is Google AdSense, which places contextual ads on Websites.
As new mediums open up, you need to adapt and leverage these. Hrish Thota did so when he evolved from blogging to Tweeting. Thota has been blogging for almost a decade and joined Twitter when it was launched in 2006. He is now a professional Tweeter, has 4,500 followers and earns about 1 lakh a month. The 31-yearold, a former employee of consulting firm Capgemini, began his Twitter career by writing about events and computer hardware in Bangalore. Within a year, companies began to approach him to Tweet about their products. Recently, he was involved with a campaign for Ford Figo for around a month-and-a-half, Tweeting and photo-blogging about the events in real time. On an average, he earns 30,000-40,000 a month per brand.
Though writing seems easy at first glance, if you want to earn money from it, you will have to work hard. Professional bloggers put in about 2-5 hours every day and constantly strive to write on topics that provide updated information. You need to be regular and prompt in answering your readers’ queries.
If you have honed your skills and are confident about what you write, you could even publish a book a lá Anupam Mukerji, who became famous for his blog, the Fake IPL Player, written cheekily about the IPL’s second season. In March last year, he published a book, The Gamechanger. However, if no publisher seems interested in the physical realm, don’t despair. You can write a virtual bestseller. E-books are in high demand across the world and many people are writing exclusively for this segment. In June this year, crime novelist John Locke became the first independent author to sell more than 1 million ebooks through Kindle’s (Amazon) direct publishing programme, under which you do not need an agent or a publisher. Each e-book was sold for $0.99 ( 48), of which Locke pocketed 35 cents ( 17).
Global classroom
JOBS: E-tutoring.
SKILLS: Domain knowledge and good communication skills.
INCOME: 5,000-50,000 a month (for 8-hour sessions) depending on the subject and region (India/international).
When Shyamila Rana’s husband got a job in Dehradun in 2007, the 42-year-old school teacher began applying for a post in various schools in the city. Unfortunately, not many were willing to hire her, citing age as a factor. Rana was unwilling to waste her experience and time, so she began looking elsewhere. She soon found hundreds of overseas students, who were eager to learn science from her. “One of my husband’s colleagues told him about e-tutoring and I sent an application, along with my resume, to one of the Websites,” says Rana, who now teaches science for four hours to students based in the US. For this, she is earning better than she would in a traditional school.
E-tutoring is a process in which a teacher educates a student or a group of students through online technology. This can involve the use of Webbased programs and includes data, voice and video communication. To begin in this field, you can sign up with established names such as
Tips for online sellers
You can find a buyer for virtually everything in the online bazaar, be it your own creation or junk you want to get rid of. Here are a few steps to help you hone your selling skills. PROVIDE ALL INFORMATION: Give a detailed description of the product you want to sell and include photographs that have been taken from various angles. Also, provide information about yourself or your company. A contact number, address or e-mail ID help the buyer get in touch with you as well as confirm authentication, which builds confidence in the buyer.
FIX THE PRICE: If you’re selling an original product, you can fix the price you want, though you need to be realistic. Value for money is the second aspect that online buyers are looking for, convenience being the first. To determine the right selling price for a used item, you should research on auction sites to find the cost of similar products before fixing a minimum price.
CHECK DETAILS: Before you auction/sell the product, determine how you will handle shipping. Who will pay for it—you or the buyer? Will you ship it after receiving the payment or while it is still in process? You will need to commit a delivery date and stick to it. Do you need to insure the product? Who will pay for this?
PAYMENT PROCEDURE: You need to figure out the best method for receiving money. Are you comfortable using an online gateway, such as Paypal, or will you prefer a cheque or online transfer? On the site, you should state a return policy and how you will handle complaints if they arise within a fixed time period.
Virtual bazaar JOBS: Online enterprise. SKILLS: Guts, gumption and marketing savvy. INCOME: Whatever you want. Shakil Thasariya began collecting autographs as a 13-year-old schoolboy, when the former President APJ Abdul Kalam gave him one in 2003. A year later, he discovered that his passion could be profitable when he sold 10 autographs to an antique dealer for 4,000. However, finding buyers in his hometown, Rajkot, Gujarat, wasn’t easy. The perfect avenue: eBay. He made quite a few successful sales and also got in touch with a lot of autograph dealers in the US and Europe. Now, Thasariya earns about 7,000 a month by selling 7-8 autographs.
The online medium is a perfect platform for small entrepreneurs or startups, who cannot afford to rent office space or shop. However, maintaining a Website also requires work and money. A free and easily manageable platform is social networking sites, most notably Facebook. Nikita Fernandes and Vinisha Dugar, two Mumbai-based Mumbai-based friends launched their business, Fishing Hook, in July 2010. They outsourced accessories from China and Hong Kong, put up their photographs on Facebook and sold them in India. Within three months, they had 500 fans on their page and were generating orders worth about 10,000, of which 3,000 was their profit margin.
Initially, they would deliver the products themselves and collect cash from customers. However, as their clientele grew in other cities, they began to courier the products and charge 100 as shipping charges. Today, their Facebook page has nearly 2,100 fans and their client base has expanded to Delhi, Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Kolkata.
There are hundreds of online sellers who are leveraging the World Wide Web to create wealth. And this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
—With Shobhana Chadha and
Milan Sharma
How to increase blog traffic
Here are ways to enusre that what you read catches maximum eyeballs
Don’t philosophise; solve problems People are not interested in reading your autobiography. You need to grab their attention by solving problems they face or providing information they would normally don’t have access to.
Editing is the key Crisp and clear writing will get more readers. Make your headers snappy; pick up tips from newspaper headlines. Pay attention to comments from readers. If they are using certain keywords, see if you can incorporate those in the heading.
When to write Monitor the days of the week on which you get the most readers. Write your best posts on these days. Link these to social networking sites, which usually have more members than blogging communities.
Improve the layout Compile your posts as clusters on the basis of ideas rather than the months in which they were put up. This makes it easier for readers to access the blog they want to read.
Article taken from Times of india Newspaper:-
Monday, November 7, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Earn money while you blog
Earn money while you blog:-
Blogging is turning out to an addictive past-time for a lot of people around the world. Apart from being a great medium to express your feelings and experiences, blogs can turn into alternate means to earn some quick bucks.
With recession rocking the boat and intermittent lay-offs and salary cuts - why not make some extra money through blogging. You need no special technical knowledge or literary abilities to start a blog. Here are ways in which you can earn money while blogging:
Pick a topic that you love
The basic rule of blogging is to choose a topic close to your heart. It's best if you love something other people also love, such as sports, politics, or celebrities. Amar Upadaya, a programmer at a leading blogging website says," All blogs have the potential to create revenue, but the popular ones are those which are informative or related to one's life experiences".
BLOG TIP : Prithik Agarwal, who blogs at a google blogging website and earns a minimum of four figures per month, cautions against being overly narrow in focus. "Instead of picking a niche topic like diet tips, where there's only little you can write on, pick a general way of looking at life or an area of interest that you're passionate about," he says. Agarwal blogs on personal growth, which encompasses relationships, finances, career development, and spirituality. Successful bloggers always stick to the theory that "content is king". It holds particularly true if you hope to earn by blogging. Ensure that new content is contributed on a regular basis. And this can always be possible when the topic of your blog motivates you to write on a regular basis.
Build up traffic
Your blog will not make money if no one finds your blog! Your ultimate goal should be to achieve a high ranking in the search engines. So try and build traffic to your blog or make your blog accessible to a large number of readers so that people visiting your blog can increase. The basics involve writing quality content, and updating the content on a daily or weekly basis. The best way to promote your blog is by joining a blog network such as blogadda, technorati , blogarama, buzzerhut, blogcatalog, etc. A blog network website helps bloggers by highlighting and promoting their blog to millions of users all over the world. You can consider a blog network, which is a platform where millions of users can view your blog with other similar blogs. In technical terms it is the search engine for bloggers. You don't have to pay anything to submit your blog to these blog network websites.
BLOG TIP : Shilpi Bhatnagar, a regular blogger explains, "Joining a blog network and gaining a strong following through that network is the best ways to build blog traffic. Initially when I start blogging I always found it difficult to get good traffic to my blog, but after submitting my blog to various blog network websites I could get 10,000 page views per day". To calculate the amount of traffic coming to your blog, Google and other websites provide a solution. Google-webmaster, mypagerank, trafficonblog etc are some websites that calculate the amount of traffic generated by your blog. You just need to register on these websites to can check your traffic details on a daily basis.
Once you are able to get a good amount of traffic to your blog, you can proceed to the earning strategies. The most obvious way to make money through blogging is with advertising. Advertisers pay a few cents when an ad is clicked upon. Or, they may pay a certain rate for each 1,000 page views.
BLOG TIP : The most famous advertisement method for most bloggers is Google Adsence Google ads are usually the first foray of new bloggers into the world advertising. Easy to use, they only provide a fraction of income to sucessful bloggers. Lucrative deals come from advertisers who pay a good deal of money for displaying there ad on your blog. Some of them are AdBrite, AdGenta , BidVertiser etc. It's easy to get ads on your site, but difficult to earn from them. You'll need thousands of visitors each month.
Affiliate programs
Affiliate programs are again good methods of earning money through a blog. Affiliate programs are similar to advertising. But in affiliate programs you are paid directly by advertisers for placing a banner ad or a text ad on your site. Here people can also earn by putting affiliate links inside their blog posts. You may get paid when a visitor clicks an affiliate link. But usually, visitors must make a purchase from the affiliate.
BLOG TIP : Earning money from affiliate programs is more difficult, but if it works you could earn ten per cent or more, per product user buy through your blog. Amazon, ebay, commission Junction, linkShare are some of the websites that are leaders in the affiliate programs. You can recommend books or other products available for purchase from other sources, and earn very generous sales commissions when your visitors buy those products.
Some companies will pay you to write about their products and services on your blog. Your pay varies depending on your blog and the traffic generated on your blog. There are many websites available on the Internet that can pay you handsomely for writing reviews of their products. Some can even pay you up to $1,000 per post. If you have a good traffic coming into your blog then you can easily join any of these company websites. Some require you to blog for a month or more before enrolling. Or, you may need a specific number of posts or site visitors.
BLOG TIP : Not all bloggers are willing to get paid to write about a specific product or website, but the ones who do can make good money. Some of the websites which offer such opportunities are PayPerPost, SponsoredReviews, Blogvertise etc.
Job Boards
All the popular blogs have job boards to generate extra income. A job board is some sort of an advertising board which you place on your blog and advertisers post job opening on that. But to create an active and profitable job board you need to have a blog which generates a large amount of traffic.
BLOG TIP : Guy Kawasaki, ReadWriteWeb, Problogger etc are some of the websites that can help you to create job boards on your blog.. Once you have the structure in place, the job listings come naturally, and you can easily earn $10 to $100 for each job you post on your blog.
Paid Surveys and Polls
Bloggers can also earn money by running polls and surveys on their blogs. There are many websites that pay you money to run a small survey or poll on
your website. The most popular one among them is called Vizu Answers.
BLOG TIP : You need to sign up with them, and select the kind of polls that you want to run your site. It's free of cost and you are paid handsomely if your blog generates a huge amount of traffic.
You can easily get a sponsor for your blog , if you are able to make name for yourself in the world of blogging. Most of you must have heard of fakeiplplayer, who garnered a huge amount of publicity and traffic by writing a blog on cricket. To cash in on his publicity many companies offered him sponsorship. Sponsorship works like an advertising deal. However, your entire site will carry the company's branding and you may be forbidden from mentioning competitors' products and services.
BLOG TIP : Landing a sponsorship probably won't be easier than finding a paid position. And remember that you will need to make a name for yourself first, only then will companies will come forward for sponsorship
Blogging is turning out to an addictive past-time for a lot of people around the world. Apart from being a great medium to express your feelings and experiences, blogs can turn into alternate means to earn some quick bucks.
With recession rocking the boat and intermittent lay-offs and salary cuts - why not make some extra money through blogging. You need no special technical knowledge or literary abilities to start a blog. Here are ways in which you can earn money while blogging:
Pick a topic that you love
The basic rule of blogging is to choose a topic close to your heart. It's best if you love something other people also love, such as sports, politics, or celebrities. Amar Upadaya, a programmer at a leading blogging website says," All blogs have the potential to create revenue, but the popular ones are those which are informative or related to one's life experiences".
BLOG TIP : Prithik Agarwal, who blogs at a google blogging website and earns a minimum of four figures per month, cautions against being overly narrow in focus. "Instead of picking a niche topic like diet tips, where there's only little you can write on, pick a general way of looking at life or an area of interest that you're passionate about," he says. Agarwal blogs on personal growth, which encompasses relationships, finances, career development, and spirituality. Successful bloggers always stick to the theory that "content is king". It holds particularly true if you hope to earn by blogging. Ensure that new content is contributed on a regular basis. And this can always be possible when the topic of your blog motivates you to write on a regular basis.
Build up traffic
Your blog will not make money if no one finds your blog! Your ultimate goal should be to achieve a high ranking in the search engines. So try and build traffic to your blog or make your blog accessible to a large number of readers so that people visiting your blog can increase. The basics involve writing quality content, and updating the content on a daily or weekly basis. The best way to promote your blog is by joining a blog network such as blogadda, technorati , blogarama, buzzerhut, blogcatalog, etc. A blog network website helps bloggers by highlighting and promoting their blog to millions of users all over the world. You can consider a blog network, which is a platform where millions of users can view your blog with other similar blogs. In technical terms it is the search engine for bloggers. You don't have to pay anything to submit your blog to these blog network websites.
BLOG TIP : Shilpi Bhatnagar, a regular blogger explains, "Joining a blog network and gaining a strong following through that network is the best ways to build blog traffic. Initially when I start blogging I always found it difficult to get good traffic to my blog, but after submitting my blog to various blog network websites I could get 10,000 page views per day". To calculate the amount of traffic coming to your blog, Google and other websites provide a solution. Google-webmaster, mypagerank, trafficonblog etc are some websites that calculate the amount of traffic generated by your blog. You just need to register on these websites to can check your traffic details on a daily basis.
Once you are able to get a good amount of traffic to your blog, you can proceed to the earning strategies. The most obvious way to make money through blogging is with advertising. Advertisers pay a few cents when an ad is clicked upon. Or, they may pay a certain rate for each 1,000 page views.
BLOG TIP : The most famous advertisement method for most bloggers is Google Adsence Google ads are usually the first foray of new bloggers into the world advertising. Easy to use, they only provide a fraction of income to sucessful bloggers. Lucrative deals come from advertisers who pay a good deal of money for displaying there ad on your blog. Some of them are AdBrite, AdGenta , BidVertiser etc. It's easy to get ads on your site, but difficult to earn from them. You'll need thousands of visitors each month.
Affiliate programs
Affiliate programs are again good methods of earning money through a blog. Affiliate programs are similar to advertising. But in affiliate programs you are paid directly by advertisers for placing a banner ad or a text ad on your site. Here people can also earn by putting affiliate links inside their blog posts. You may get paid when a visitor clicks an affiliate link. But usually, visitors must make a purchase from the affiliate.
BLOG TIP : Earning money from affiliate programs is more difficult, but if it works you could earn ten per cent or more, per product user buy through your blog. Amazon, ebay, commission Junction, linkShare are some of the websites that are leaders in the affiliate programs. You can recommend books or other products available for purchase from other sources, and earn very generous sales commissions when your visitors buy those products.
Some companies will pay you to write about their products and services on your blog. Your pay varies depending on your blog and the traffic generated on your blog. There are many websites available on the Internet that can pay you handsomely for writing reviews of their products. Some can even pay you up to $1,000 per post. If you have a good traffic coming into your blog then you can easily join any of these company websites. Some require you to blog for a month or more before enrolling. Or, you may need a specific number of posts or site visitors.
BLOG TIP : Not all bloggers are willing to get paid to write about a specific product or website, but the ones who do can make good money. Some of the websites which offer such opportunities are PayPerPost, SponsoredReviews, Blogvertise etc.
Job Boards
All the popular blogs have job boards to generate extra income. A job board is some sort of an advertising board which you place on your blog and advertisers post job opening on that. But to create an active and profitable job board you need to have a blog which generates a large amount of traffic.
BLOG TIP : Guy Kawasaki, ReadWriteWeb, Problogger etc are some of the websites that can help you to create job boards on your blog.. Once you have the structure in place, the job listings come naturally, and you can easily earn $10 to $100 for each job you post on your blog.
Paid Surveys and Polls
Bloggers can also earn money by running polls and surveys on their blogs. There are many websites that pay you money to run a small survey or poll on
your website. The most popular one among them is called Vizu Answers.
BLOG TIP : You need to sign up with them, and select the kind of polls that you want to run your site. It's free of cost and you are paid handsomely if your blog generates a huge amount of traffic.
You can easily get a sponsor for your blog , if you are able to make name for yourself in the world of blogging. Most of you must have heard of fakeiplplayer, who garnered a huge amount of publicity and traffic by writing a blog on cricket. To cash in on his publicity many companies offered him sponsorship. Sponsorship works like an advertising deal. However, your entire site will carry the company's branding and you may be forbidden from mentioning competitors' products and services.
BLOG TIP : Landing a sponsorship probably won't be easier than finding a paid position. And remember that you will need to make a name for yourself first, only then will companies will come forward for sponsorship
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Advantages of multiple source of income
Recent global recession, Inflation and financial trends require people to have multiple sources of incomes simply to stay even with their daily household expenses. It might be that, sooner or later, even that incomes will not be sufficient. It's a good idea to be proactive and get ready for any global recession scenario which is kind of a dangerous financial instance. Households ought to have a number of sources of revenue to protect against an insecure future. Some home maker take distributorship of different products to give a helping hand to there better half. It is very vital to have multiple source of income.
Rich people around the world have some time shared with the masses that you will need to have multiple source of income. If considered one of their income sources fails for some unavoidable reasons, they always had fallback sources to carry them through. Individuals with strange, irregular or uncommon income generally face more problems in the event that they lose the source of income. The loss could have a dramatic effect on their lives, and it may take years before situation return to normal for them. Bodily and emotional wellbeing can also endure on account of financial uncertainty and stress.
Having more than one source of revenue, or extra income, gives a safety net. If one income source disappears, the others will still be there to minimize the blow. Having further earnings offers people time to reorganize and think about their options. Everybody alive in the present day can respect the advantages of getting an additional income.
There are two sorts of further incomes. Linear income is additional revenue that is earned on an hourly, weekly, or month-to-month basis. No future dedication from either the employee or the employer is related to this kind of income. Residual income is earnings that outcomes from working onerous one time and reaping the benefits of this work for a few years into the future. A single effort is rewarded repeatedly. There are many works available which you can do along with our regular work. For more details please read our article “Business Opportunity - earn extra income.”
Individuals receive linear earnings via a job or profession. They earn just for the time that they actually work on a day by day basis. Some people earn the next linear earnings than others. Good people usually attempt to maneuver away from linear income to residual income by obtaining
additional earnings that will secure their future retirement. Individuals should start by specializing in one residual additional revenue effort per year.
The Internet provides many options for additional revenue, but people should be cautious when making a choice. There are many scams and get-wealthy-fast schemes online that are not reputable residual earnings streams.
Some of the main advantages of multiple source of income are listed down:-
- Financial independence for home maker to get extra income for daily house hold expenditure.
- Financial freedom for people dependent on other for their day to day spending.
- Help in fighting with growing inflation
- Over a decade it will grow to a fixed income source just like a life time pension plan.
- Helps in achieving your financial goals
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Business Opportunity - earn extra income.
Business Opportunity
Congratulations for showing interest in our Business Opportunity. Please read very carefully what we are and how you can benefit from this Global Wellness Revolution happening all around the world... Your background is important but not mandatory for you to be part of this..
1) Selling Life insurance products :-
For any investment advise or Queries drop me a mail on
Unit Linked Products:
Unit linked Plans are an attempt to meet all your financial & insurance needs through a single non participating product." What’s more you get market linked returns which in the long term has always proved to give better returns than traditional savings products".
SBI Life - Unit Plus™ III
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SBI Life - Unit Plus Elite II
Pension Products:
You need to have a comprehensive plan to meet your post retirement financial needs ensuring complete peace of mind. To make your post retirement years truly golden, we offer you –
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Pure Protection Products:
There are times when everything seems to be perfect, but who can predict future and there is always a place to make this world a better place for our loved ones. To ensure that these uncertainties do not shatter the dreams you have for your family, SBI Life offers you –
SBI Life - Swadhan
SBI Life Shield F
SBI Life - Shield" used as Keyman
Protection cum Savings Products:
SBI Life offers a variety of plans that gives you the benefit of protection and the opportunity to save for various events like purchase of new house, wedding, car etc. We assist your savings.
SBI Life - Scholar II (Child Plan)
SBI Life - Shubh NiveshFor
Money Back Scheme Products:
As an individual your life is fueled by dreams. You experience different special moments in life like wedding, birth of a child, child’s education or purchasing a new home. You have to be financially prepared for these special moments. What you need is easy liquidity at regular intervals with life insurance protection to take care of these special moments.
SBI Life - Money Back
SBI Life - Sanjeevan Supreme
Health Products:
Financial planning is incomplete without planning health insurance. Due to today’s hectic lifestyle, improper diet, lack of exercise we are at higher risk of contingencies of untimely serious illnesses. Sudden health problems could have deep hole in your pockets. Medical science has advanced by leaps and bounds in the last few decades. There’s a definite need to cover for health insurance to reduce the financial burden.
SBI Life - Group Criti9
2) Selling forever living products:-
Congratulations for showing interest in our Business Opportunity. Please read very carefully what we are and how you can benefit from this Global Wellness Revolution happening all around the world... Your background is important but not mandatory for you to be part of this..
1) Selling Life insurance products :-
For any investment advise or Queries drop me a mail on
Unit Linked Products:
Unit linked Plans are an attempt to meet all your financial & insurance needs through a single non participating product." What’s more you get market linked returns which in the long term has always proved to give better returns than traditional savings products".
SBI Life - Unit Plus™ III
SBI Life - Smart ULIP(Series II)
SBI Life - Maha Anand II
SBI Life - HorizonTM III
SBI Life - Unit PlusTM II Child
SBI Life - Unit Plus Elite II
Pension Products:
You need to have a comprehensive plan to meet your post retirement financial needs ensuring complete peace of mind. To make your post retirement years truly golden, we offer you –
SBI Life - Unit PlusTM III Pension
SBI Life - HorizonTM III Pension
SBI Life - Immediate Annuity
SBI Life - Lifelong Pension Plus
Pure Protection Products:
There are times when everything seems to be perfect, but who can predict future and there is always a place to make this world a better place for our loved ones. To ensure that these uncertainties do not shatter the dreams you have for your family, SBI Life offers you –
SBI Life - Swadhan
SBI Life Shield F
SBI Life - Shield" used as Keyman
Protection cum Savings Products:
SBI Life offers a variety of plans that gives you the benefit of protection and the opportunity to save for various events like purchase of new house, wedding, car etc. We assist your savings.
SBI Life - Scholar II (Child Plan)
SBI Life - Shubh NiveshFor
Money Back Scheme Products:
As an individual your life is fueled by dreams. You experience different special moments in life like wedding, birth of a child, child’s education or purchasing a new home. You have to be financially prepared for these special moments. What you need is easy liquidity at regular intervals with life insurance protection to take care of these special moments.
SBI Life - Money Back
SBI Life - Sanjeevan Supreme
Health Products:
Financial planning is incomplete without planning health insurance. Due to today’s hectic lifestyle, improper diet, lack of exercise we are at higher risk of contingencies of untimely serious illnesses. Sudden health problems could have deep hole in your pockets. Medical science has advanced by leaps and bounds in the last few decades. There’s a definite need to cover for health insurance to reduce the financial burden.
SBI Life - Group Criti9
2) Selling forever living products:-
Four healthy varieties of fresh, stabilized aloe vera gel. The primary ingredient is raw aloe vera gel, providing a rich supplement to healthy nutrition. These gels cleanse the system, assist digestion and absorption of nutrients, add vitamins, minerals and amino acids to your diet, and above all, promote a good, healthy lifestyle. Plus - discount prices! Some of the recommended products you can try:- | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Some execs draw multiple salaries
Some execs draw multiple salaries
Mini Joseph Tejaswi | TNN
Bangalore: How does it sound to draw salaries from multiple companies every month? That’s what an increasing number of senior and mid-level executives are already doing. And there’s no illegality involved. They work part-time in each company.
You will find such jobs in small and medium companies that employ 50 to 250 people, mostly in functions like human resource, finance, administration, sales, marketing and other support areas. The model allows SMEs to receive the services of function specialists, and yet save over 60% on salaries. The only fulltime staff for those functions would be clerical or data entry teams of 3 to 15 people to support day-to-day requirements.
Sundararajan V of Numinous Consulting, a boutique consulting and investment banking firm, works as CFO in five companies that operate in multiple domains. ``It is a fast emerging model that works well both for enterprises and professionals,” he says. SMEs pay between Rs 50 lakh and Rs 80 lakh for a full time CFO, but the part-time option reduces it by at least 60%.
The companies that Sundararajan works for are in different cities and so he does portions of his jobs remotely, by email, phone or video chat.
Siji A S is an HR specialist who too works for five companies, one day a week for each firm. Again, none of these companies has in-house HR heads, while teams of 3 to 6 people handle basic HR functions. Siji goes once a week to oversee the functions.
`It is quite a responsibility as we need to look into everything that comes under the purview of HR. It could be a meeting with the CEO to discuss issues like fresh hiring, appraisals, increments, training, staff activities, HR audit, career development,'' says Siji.
A full-time HR head would have to be paid a salary between Rs 30 lakh and Rs 50 lakh.
Alpha Sales (a 50 people firm), Global Solutions (100 people), Stridus Software (60 people) are some that have gone for such part-time staffing option.
Gaytri Krishnamurthy, head of HR consulting practice at Ad Astra Consulting, says part-time CXOs and executives are considered on par with employees. “They have access cards, personal logins and they are responsible and liable for any data loss or violation of confidentiality.”

Article taken from Times of india Newspaper:-
Article taken from Times of india Newspaper:-
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